To be able to access a web page, we simply enter the domain name in the browser. Although we do this every day and it seems very normal to us, several organizations are working hard to make it possible. One of these institutions is the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).
Author: Heidy Isabel Hernández (Page 5 of 6)
The Internet is surrounded by difficult and sometimes confusing words. For example, for any website to work you need to have a domain name and a hosting provider. Although the domain name system and the hosting service are fundamental to all web pages, it is likely that you may have never heard of them or are confused about them.
Since 2018, the way Internet companies store data has changed, especially in companies like Facebook and Google, because the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force. This regulation refers to a compilation of rules promoted by the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, and the European Commission, regarding data and security.
Internet users are getting younger and younger: 7 years has been established as the average age of starting Internet use (Unicef,2017). For this reason, protecting their children in this environment is a growing concern for parents.One of the forms that have gained importance is parental controls in its different formats. These tools support and accompany parents’ efforts to educate their children about digital citizenship.
An SSL certificate is a digital credential that authenticates the identity of a website and enables an encrypted connection. The acronym SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It is a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. Typically SSL is used to protect credit card transactions, data transfers, and logins.
Personalized emails give a professional touch to your company and are very easy to configure with a .gt Domain Name. We have previously explained how to create a personalized email in Gmail, but today we will talk about another of the most important messaging servers: Outlook.
In March 2021, the Board of Directors of Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG), authorized the creation of the Data Science Lab, as a unit within the Center for Studies in Applied Informatics (CEIA in Spanish). One of the goals of this new unit is to collect, store and preserve as much data as possible, generated in Guatemala. With this information, an open data repository will be created; which means that the data will be available without restrictions, with the condition of citing the source and sharing.
If you already know the advantages of having a personalized email, but you’re not quite sure how to get one, keep reading because we’ll explain how to get an address with one of the most important email providers on the market today: Gmail. We will also analyze the advantages and disadvantages of it to determine if it suits your needs.
Technology has advanced rapidly, and a clear example of this is the country’s digital transformation. Although Internet penetration in Guatemala remains relatively low, with only 30% of the population having access to this resource, much has changed since the first connection to the Internet. In commemoration of International Internet Day, we want to share with you some key moments in the history of how Guatemala connected with the world.
By definition, a social network is an Internet application that allows you to create content and share it with other users. It’s this community aspect that makes them so popular, but it is also what can put our privacy at risk. It is important to note that maintaining security and privacy on social networks is essential. It is a way to protect our computers, but also to prevent our personal information from being leaked online.
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