Category: Domains (Page 1 of 3)

The Rise of E-commerce in Guatemala:

E-commerce in Guatemala is experiencing significant growth, presenting both opportunities and challenges for local entrepreneurs and consumers. As technology advances and Internet penetration increases, e-commerce has become an essential part of the country’s digital economy.

Growth and Challenges of E-commerce in Guatemala

In 2024, the e-commerce market in Guatemala is projected to reach revenues of $381 million, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.7% until 2028, when revenues are expected to hit $551.8 million. This growth is driven by the increasing adoption of mobile devices and Internet access, making online shopping more accessible to a larger portion of the population (ECDB, 2024).

However, despite the promising growth, e-commerce in Guatemala faces several challenges. Additionally, foreign online stores represent 73% of the total e-commerce sales volume in the country, highlighting intense competition and the need for local businesses to strengthen their online presence (PCMI, 2024).

The most commonly used payment method in Guatemalan e-commerce is internationally-enabled credit cards, representing 68% of the payment volume. This is followed by debit cards at 16%, bank transfers at 11%, and digital wallets at 3%. However, more than 54% of consumers still prefer to pay cash on delivery, indicating a continued trust in traditional payment methods (PCMI, 2024).

62% of the e-commerce volume in Guatemala comes from purchases made through mobile devices, while 38% comes from desktop purchases. This shows a strong trend towards the use of smartphones for transactions, aligning with the globalization of mobile technology (PCMI, 2024).

Opportunities for E-commerce Growth in Guatemala

As more Guatemalans adopt e-commerce, local businesses have a great opportunity to expand their online operations. Investing in improving user experience, ensuring secure and diversified payment methods, and optimizing websites for mobile devices are key strategies to take advantage of this expanding market.

The top-selling categories online in Guatemala include food and beverages, cosmetics and personal care products, medicines and health products, non-sports clothing, and telephony and phone accessories. These categories reflect the needs and preferences of local consumers, who seek convenience and variety in their purchases (PCMI, 2024).

Time savings is the primary motivator for online shopping, cited by 61% of shoppers. Therefore, a fast and efficient purchase process can increase customer satisfaction and encourage repeat purchases (PCMI, 2024).

E-commerce in Guatemala is on an upward trajectory, offering significant opportunities for local businesses and challenges that need to be addressed. With an appropriate strategy that includes improving online security, optimizing for mobile devices, and increasing online visibility, Guatemalan businesses can effectively compete in this dynamic digital market and contribute to the country’s economic growth.

Digitalizing your business is not just a trend but a necessity in today’s competitive environment. Opting for a .gt domain can offer significant advantages when considering this transition. A .gt domain not only reinforces your local identity and improves your search engine ranking within Guatemala, but it also increases the trust of local consumers, who value and prefer to support national businesses. This connection with the local market can be crucial to differentiating yourself from the competition and building a strong and recognized brand in the digital environment. With e-commerce booming and opportunities growing, digitalizing your business with a .gt domain is a strategic step to ensure your relevance and success in the Guatemalan market. Learn more about .gt domains here.


ECDB. (2024). eCommerce Market Guatemala – Data & Trends. Retrieved from

PCMI. (2024). Exploring E-commerce Dynamics in Guatemala. Retrieved from

The 7 master keys of the Internet

In the digital age, the Internet has become a fundamental pillar of our society, driving the advancement of technology, the economy, and culture on a global scale. But have you ever wondered how this vast universe of information is protected? The answer lies in a fascinating security protocol: the 7 master keys of the Internet. This system, which seems to come out of a science fiction novel, plays a crucial role in protecting the Internet’s infrastructure. Continue reading

Cybersquatting of Domains: A Concern for Madonna and you

In the vast digital world, the name of your company or personal brand is not just a label, but a unique identity that sets you apart from others. History has shown us emblematic cases where personalities and companies had to face legal disputes to recover domain names that resonated with their brands. From Madonna to Sting, numerous celebrities have battled for the ownership of domains bearing their names, highlighting the critical need to protect oneself in cyberspace. Continue reading

The history of the .gt domain name

At the beginning of the 1990s, in an era where telephony, telegrams, and faxes were the main forms of communication, a desire for efficiency and economy led engineer Luis R. Furlán, director of the Center for Applied Informatics Studies (CEIA) at the University of Valle of Guatemala (UVG), to explore new horizons. His motivation was clear: seamless and economical communication was essential for research. Continue reading

LACTLD introduces the Unified Domain Search Engine

In the context of LACTLD‘s Technical, Legal, and Commercial Workshop and the celebration of its 25th anniversary, a significant step towards digital integration and transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean has been taken. LACTLD has officially launched the Unified Domain Search Engine, an innovative tool that allows users to easily and uniformly check the availability of domain name registration in the region’s ccTLDs (country codes top-level domains). Continue reading

Domain name extensions to stand out

In today’s digital world, domain names are like welcome signs to your websites and online businesses. Until recently, we were used to traditional domain extensions like .com, .org, and .net. However, in recent years, there has been an exciting expansion in the variety of domain extensions available. This has opened up new possibilities for creating more relevant and distinctive domain names. Continue reading

Guatemala participates in the technical-commercial workshop of LACTLD

Most countries have a ccTLD (country code top-level domain). Since there is no direct competition between these organizations, they have worked together to set up groups like LACTLD.  This is the regional organization that brings together the ccTLDs of Latin America and the Caribbean. Its main objective is to coordinate joint policies, as well as development strategies for domain names. In pursuit of this, it organizes technical, legal, political, and commercial workshops to work with various topics of interest.  Continue reading

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