Artificial intelligence went from being simple science fiction to being part of our lives. Although we are still in a very preliminary stage, it is expected to generate a revolution similar to the one caused by the Internet.

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of a computer or system to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, and decision-making. AI has become an increasingly important technology today as it is used in a variety of fields, from manufacturing automation to healthcare to data analytics.

The history of artificial intelligence

The term artificial intelligence was changed in 1956 but became popular in the 1990s thanks to improvements in computers and storage. Initial research explored topics such as problem-solving and symbolic methods.

In the 1960s, the US Department of Defense showed interest in this work and began training computers to mimic basic human reasoning. This early work paved the way for the automation and formal logic we see in computers today.

AI and business

There are several benefits of AI for workers and companies. For example, automating repetitive and monotonous tasks can free up workers to focus on more valuable and challenging tasks. Additionally, AI can help workers make more informed decisions and improve efficiency.

An example of AI is the use of robots in manufacturing. Robots can perform dangerous tasks with greater precision and speed than human workers, improving efficiency and reducing injuries. However, there are also some risks associated with AI for workers, such as job displacement. This type of technology reminds us of the Industrial Revolution that left thousands of people unemployed and changed the labor landscape.

An example of this risk is the DALL·E 2 and Midjourney platforms, which are image generators that, through the interpretation of a text, create a consistent image. These are capable of replacing people in creative industries such as graphic design or creating special effects.

The challenges of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is still at an early stage, so technology companies continue to face new ethical and technical challenges. An example of this is the platforms that generate images, these have been fed with an extensive database with the work of hundreds of artists, but they were not notified. So the new AIs can replicate their work or “generate an original piece” in their style. Which presents issues about copyright, the accreditation process, and intellectual property.

In the case of the ChatGPT tool, a chat system capable of performing language-related tasks (from translation to text generation) presents educational challenges. This AI is capable of creating texts with the naturalness of a person, which raises whether students used these tools as reference sources or ways to avoid work.

Although artificial intelligence is still in development, it is essential to reflect on its risks and long-term consequences. As far as research is key, learn more about the work of the UVG’s Center for Applied Computer Studies (CEIA) here.