Digital citizenship is crucial when we notice how much time we spend connected to the internet. Our work, communication, and entertainment are linked to the internet, so understanding our rights and obligations is crucial.

Digital citizenship refers to the ability to use technology in a responsible, safe, and ethical manner. It allows us to protect ourselves from online dangers, such as cyberbullying and misinformation. Considering the rapid changes in the digital ecosystem, it is necessary for young people and children to receive guidance from an early age.

Aspects of digital citizenship:

Cybersecurity: It is essential to teach children to protect their passwords, not to click on suspicious links, and to keep their security software updated. Cybersecurity also allows them to understand the dangers of malware, viruses, and phishing.

Online privacy: Children need to understand that any personal information they share online can be seen by anyone in the world. It is crucial for them to understand that social networks can lead them to share their personal information unintentionally, so it is good to review and implement good practices.

Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is a serious problem that affects many children and young people. Especially young people aged 14 to 18 are victims of this. Therefore, from an early age, we can explain to them how to identify, prevent, and report cyberbullying. It is essential to talk about the impact of our digital comments or actions in the real world.

Proper citation: The vastness of the internet gives us the false sense that all information and resources are free. This is not necessarily true, so children must be careful when downloading videos, songs, or photographs. It is important to educate them about copyright, intellectual property, and the importance of citing sources online.

Digital citizenship is a critical skill that children and young people must learn to protect themselves from online dangers and use technology in a responsible, safe, and ethical manner. For parents and teachers, the best way to teach is by example.

Children learn mainly through observation, so if they see their parents, caregivers, or teachers using technology responsibly, they will follow their example. Therefore, we provide free training to educational centers and webinars on digital citizenship and cybersecurity. Contact us for more information or join the program of the Center for Educational Research to have your educational center trained